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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Canyoning - Dagali Fjellpark

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Juving med Fullon
Juving med Full On
Juving med Full On
Juving med Full On
canyoning full on geilo

Explore the hidden beer moss, rapeller, jump and slide down waterfalls and mountain walls. The migration is most likely the day you remember the best of your holiday in Norway. Experience nature in areas that are unavailable without special equipment and training, and enjoy the feeling of new experiences, safely guided by professional instructors. No previous experience is required, full training and instruction will be given. Security is always the highest priority of all our guides, always at the top of the rappel edge. Well down we enjoy well-deserved sausage grill over the campfire, with warm, delicious drinks next door. We offer photography and photos from all our gulf activities.


This is the most ultimate juvenile adventure you can get in Norway. With an extended version of normal time, this is the trip for you who wants to go GREAT! Are you scared of heights? Do you like great nature? What about almost vertical slides that end up in big jets or rappel down several 20-40 meters vertical waterfalls? Be prepared to challenge yourself physically and mentally on one of the world's furthest gorges. We look forward to hearing your opinion after a Full On tour inside the Beer Mosque. Be prepared, once you're in there, there's only one way out .... DOWN!!!


This is our normal course in the Beer Mosque. This friendly hunting trip offers fun waterslides, jumping jets and rappelling. Do not you feel comfortable in heights? We drop the rappelling in the big vertical walls, so this is anyway an experience that suits you! Our normal yacht is 100% fun and fun, and we provide your safety with all the necessary safety equipment, and highly qualified and experienced juvenile guides. This trip is suitable for all types of groups and events, such as birthdays, stag parties, company styles, etc.

Order all your summer activities at

Source: Visit Geilo AS

Canyoning - Dagali Fjellpark

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