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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Hike to Bispevatnet near Trollstigen

Hike to Bispevatnet near Trollstigen
Hike to Bispevatnet near Trollstigen

Popular tour from the top of the Trollstigen road and up to Bispevatnet lake. The tour starts at 747 meters above sea level and has a total elevation of 290 meters.

Tour description

Park just after the Trollstigen plateau (at the bridge over the river or just after the bridge). Follow the road 30 m uphill and cross the road. The start of the trail is marked with a red T.

The trail is cairned, but in the beginning, many tourists has made a lot of them, so it can be a bit confusing.

From the Bispevatnet lake, it is possible to continue further into the right side of the lake, to the pass between the Bispen and Kongen mountains.

Source: VisitNordvest

Hike to Bispevatnet near Trollstigen

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