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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak

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Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak
Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak

Enjoy a three to four-hour guided tour around Veiholmen, a fishing village situated far out at sea yet sheltered by islets and reefs, ideal for sea kayaking.

The big waves are not far away but at a safe distance. Experience the magic of nature's sounds and the crystal-clear sea. Meet your guide at the parking lot in Veiholmen, who will teach you basic paddling techniques and ensure your safety and comfort throughout the tour. The journey begins by paddling through the narrow channels of the fishing village. Spend some time getting acquainted with your kayak and enjoying the fishing village from a paddler’s perspective. Then, venture into nature's own channels, possibly reaching the lighthouse on the outskirts of the village.

The guided tour concludes back at the starting point, the parking lot in Veiholmen.

Source: VisitNordvest

Kayaking from Veiholmen - Smøla kayak

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