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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Røldal Stave Church

Stavkirke Røldal x Yrjan Olsnes-7998
Røldal Stavkyrkje
Stavkirke Røldal x Yrjan Olsnes-7988
Røldal Stavkyrkje
Stavkirke Røldal x Yrjan Olsnes-8005
Røldal stave church

The Røldal stave church was built around 1200 and is known for its crucifix, which according to legend has healing powers. The church is centrally located in Røldal and was one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Norway in the Middle Ages, and even until 1835.

The church was built between 1200 and 1250, and is famous for its healing crucifix still in the church. According to legend it sweats once a year on “Olsok” (July 6th after the Julian calendar), and the sweat has healing power. Røldal was one of the most important sites of pilgrimage in Norway during the middle ages and pilgrims continued to come until 1835, longer than any other place in Norway. The church is beautifully decorated, and is still the parish church for Røldal. Guided tours during the summer season. There are several pilgrim trails in connection with Røldal stave church.

Entrance fee: 80kr for adults, free entrance for children under 15, 50kr for groups with a minimum of 10 people. 

Opening hours 2023: 

18.-20.May: 10-16

26.-27.May: 10-16

 2. - 3.June:10-16

 9 - 10.June: 10-16

15.June - 11.August: 10 -18

17. - 18.Aug.: 10 - 16

24.-25. Aug.: 10-16

31.Aug.-1.Sept.: 10 -16

  7. - 8.Sept.: 10 - 16

Source: Destination Hardanger Fjord AS

Røldal Stave Church

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