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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Vega havhotell - Restaurant

Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant
Vega havhotell - Restaurant

The restaurant at Vega Havhotell is celebrated by food critics and by travelers along Kystriksveien. Many of the raw materials come from local suppliers at Vega and Helgeland. What applies to the season is an important starting point for all menus.

Five course fixed menu

The menu consists of a five course menu. Order by phone. Lunch is served from 1300 hrs.and must be pre-booked.

Source: Kystriksveien Reiseliv

Vega havhotell - Restaurant

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