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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand Climbing park

Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand - Barn i klatreløypa
Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt og Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt og Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt og Lavt Kristiansand
Høyt & Lavt - KRS logo

Experience an exciting world from the treetops at Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand!

Ready for action? Høyt & Lavt (high and low) climbing park in Kristiansand have challenges for all ages. In the climbing park, you can monkey around and also push your limits, if you dare...

It is a perfect family activity. Bring the gang and experience an active and fun day full of excitement and activities for both children and parents.

Visitors receive compulsory training before being able to continue onto the color-coded courses. The courses have a start and an end, with many of them beginning in the tower. In total, they have 8 courses, 122 obstacles and 23 zip lines.

The climbing park is situated a 10 minutes bus ride outside of Kristiansand city centre. Take no. 17 or 18. The final bus stop is "Solkollen" You can also take no. 19, final stop is "Suldalen". Parking available.

Source: Visit Kristiansand

Høyt & Lavt Kristiansand Climbing park

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