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Street art in Kristiansand

Gatekunst Kristiansand av Sedin Zunic
Gatekunst i Kristiansand "Half seals" av den portugisiske gatekunstneren Bordalo II
Gatekunst på Hotel Norge i Kristiansand av Martin Whatson
Gatekunst pastup av Gatekunst Kristiansand av Ener Konings
Gatekunst i Kristiansand av Quirky Mouse
Gatekunst i Kristiansand - Miniatyrfigurer av Isaac Cordal
Gatekunst Kristiansand katt av Sedin Zunic
Koronainspirert gatekunst i Kristiansand av Arne Vilhelm Tellefsen
Gatekunst Hotel Norge Kristiansand av DotDotDot
Kunst hos Vaktbua, Odderøya av Ståle Gerhardsen

In recent years Kristiansand has been decorated with lots of street art from both local, national and international artists.

Take a walk in Kvadraturen, Kristiansand city centre, and experience street art. Some artworks are very easy to find and some you need to look for more.

Some places to check out if you are looking for street art:

- Thon Hotel Norge: Thon Hotel Norway is decorated by street artists! Here you will find works by among others Martin Whatson and DotDotDot.
- Gallery Bi-Z: One of Norway's largest private galleries has a large selection of street art, both in the exhibition and for sale.

Source: Visit Kristiansand

Street art in Kristiansand

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