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Lista museum

Norberg Fort
Nordberg Fort
Krigshistorisk utstilling på Nordberg fort
Skulptur Nordberg Fort
Nordberg Fort eksterior Lista
Nordberg Fort ruiner
Nordberg Fort utsikt
Nordberg Fort
Nordberg fort
Østhassel redningsstasjon
Nordberg Fort

Lista's interesting history is depicted through an extensive exhibition of collected historical items and traditional buildings.

Lista Museum has many places to visit in Farsund municipality, including Nordberg fort, Listaskøyta coastal culture center, Østhassel rescue station, the open-air museum in Vanse and Hetland school museum. Off season, Nordberg Fort is open to the public.

At Lista Museum you will find Nordberg Fort, built by the Germans during World War 2. This fort is one of the few coastal forts built by the Germans that is preserved in its original form. As such it is protected as cultural heritage.

The exhibition “The Privateer Times 1807-1814” narrates the locals’ efforts during the Napoleon War and the consequence of it.

Source: Lister Reiseliv

Lista museum

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