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Evje Og Hornnes

Bispestolane - return trip 2,2 km

Naturlig rasteplass for biskopen
Fredet kulturminne

Bispestolane (“The Bishop’s chairs”) are old stone chairs from the 17th century. According to history, this was a coaching station between the villages Hornnes and Bjelland, where the bishop and his coachman could have a rest. Nearby there was a grazing ground for the carriage horses. 
The chairs are currently protected relics.
The road is easy to walk and takes you all the way to this landmark. No requirement for special footwear or other hiking gear.

START: Fv 301, 700 m west of Vingmyrene, ap 8 km from Moisund  /rv 9. Follow signs to Abusland. WGS84: 58.478597, 7.66644 


LENGTH: 2.3 km return trip 

MARKING: blue 

LEASH PERIOD: 1. April – 20. August

The nature in Evje is unique and magnificent. Do the environment a favour and take the rubbish with you, for the benefit of other hikers.

Each hiker is responsible for his/her own safety.

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Source: Setesdal

Bispestolane - return trip 2,2 km

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