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Andøy museum - Museum Nord


Andøy Museum is located on the edge of the ocean at Andenes, besides Andenes lighthouse. Andenes Lighthouse was completed in 1859 and was the start of a major development in Andenes Havn. The lighthouse tells the story of the fishing village and the people who have inhabited this place for 1,500 years. But best of all is the view, it’s absolutely amazing!

ANDØYMUSEET SHOWS AN EXHIBITION about the polar regions, with emphasis on the life of trapper Hilmar Nøis. The public can also see an exhibition that gives insight into the unique geology of Andøya.

In RISØYHAMN there is a small open-air museum consisting of five buildings, and in the boathouse stands the cattle ear “Haakon”, built in Helgeland in 1880. Risøyhamnmartnaden is held every year in July, with stalls, food service and an open museum. Open only on special occasions.

Why a polar exhibition? The polar hunter Hilmar Nøis spent 38 winters at Spitsbergen. The intimate exhibition gives you insight to how the life of Hilmar and his wife could be.

The museum also offers a small exhibition on the “Pomorhandelen”, "Baldusjka på súbakk" – the trade relations between Russia and Vesterålen a few centuries ago. In addition the unique geology at Andøya is shown in the museum.

“Øymuseet” is a part of Skulturlandskap Nordland (Artscape Nordland) and can be visited as part of the museum. Read more about it here:

For opening hours, prices and further information, please visit our web page or contact us.

Source: Visit Vesterålen


Andøy museum - Museum Nord


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