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Bandaksli Pier

Pier on the south side of Lake Bandak / The Telemark Canal with sleeping accomodation for cyclists and paddlers.

Bandaksli pier is located on the opposite side of Lårdal. An idyllic place, with a sleeping box in the old pier house, sleeping 4 people. There is also a photo exhibition about life in Bandaksli in the old days. National cycle route number 2 goes past this beautiful quayside. 

It was the copper mines in Åmdal Verk that was the basis for building the pier in Bandaksli. The pier was built around 1860, and was used for shipping copper ore down the waterway. At the pier there was a storehouse, a pier, a shop and a warehouse. For transporting the ore, there was a cableway from the top of the hill and 350 meters down to the warehouse for the ore, located about 100 m west of the pier.  As the pier was not deep enough for larger boats, a new pier was built at Bandaksli in 1908/09. The pier is built to function also during flood, with different heights so that it can function at different water levels. 

From the pier it is 15 km up to Åmdals Verk Mines. Here you can experience great exhibitions and join a mining walk.

Source: Vest Telemark


Bandaksli Pier

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