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TripAdvisor rating of 3


Bergen Kunsthall

Bergen Kunsthall
Bergen Kunsthall

Bergen Kunsthall is one of Norway's premier arenas for contemporary art. Variety of exhibitions from international and Norwegian artists.

Bergen Kunsthall is a centre for contemporary art and presents exhibitions and events by international artists. Landmark is our vibrant strand of live events that includes concerts and club nights. We organise a broad range of learning activities and debates that are open to everyone.

Established initially as Bergens Kunstforening in 1838, the Kunsthall is based in an early functionalist building designed by the architect Ole Landmark in 1935, with gallery spaces, a café, and a bookshop.

Bergen Kunsthall is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the City of Bergen, and Vestland County.

Opening Hours Café:
Monday–Sunday 11:00–17:00 
Kitchen closes at 16:00

Source: Visit Bergen

Bergen Kunsthall

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