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Cross-country skiing in Kobberstadløypa, Narvik

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Kobberstad lysløype

Kobberstadløypa is Narvik`s floodlit trail and is maintained by the Narvik Skiklubb. The floodlit trail is 10 km long, winding its way up Narvikfjellet and onward into Tøttadalen.

In autum of 2017, 2 km of hiking trails were turned into cross-country skiing tracks, allowing you start at the new parking lot at Narvikfjellets Ski Resort and ski almost all the way to Pumpvannet lake at 316 m above sea level in Tøttadalen. In the course of 2020, a new bridge will be built around the "Knausen", opening an additional 8 km of skiing trails. We will have 18 km of cross-country skiing trials in Narvik.


Kobberstadløypa has hilly and varied terrain and covers 100 m of altitude gain from the starting area to the top point. The floodlit trail is suitd for both classic and skating styles, with double classical tracks all the way up to the turn point. Children and families will enjoy the lower part of the floodlit trail, where the rounds are shorter with fewer altitudes. The more experienced and trained skiers can ski to the turn point several times before they end their session. Or perhaps you just want to enjoy the view? Kobberstadløypa is a trail for everyone, for each skill level and all ages.

Fresh tracks?

Kobberstadløypa is prepared after each snowfall and otherwise about three times per week. On you can find updated information at all times about groomers/snowcat operations and when the trails have been prepared and are ready.
It is forbidden to walk in the tracks by foot or go skiing with dogs. Foot and dog tracks will damage the trail. For those who want to walk into Tøttadalen, or take the dog along when skiing, the starting point at the power plant at the end of Reinveien can be used.

How long does the season last?

The ski season in Kobberstadløypa and Tøttadalen normally stretches from November to the end of April. From 2016, Kobberstadløypa is part of Narvikfjellet's snow-production system with its own production unit, which means greater operational security and a longer ski season.


We recommend to use the parking facilities of Narvikfjellet, as the parking options on Reinveien closer to the trails are very limited.

Source: Visit Narvik AS

Cross-country skiing in Kobberstadløypa, Narvik

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