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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Furniture museum

Ustilling på Møbelmuseet
Møbelutstilling på museet
Vegghengt utstilling av møbelutstyr.

Sykkylven is world known for its many furniture factories and a great part of the inhabitants live from making furniture for customers throughout the world.

The most known are Ekornes and Hjellegjerde, Brunstad, Formfin and L.K. Hjelle. But there is also a niche factory called Cylindra, which makes a special line of furnitures designed by Peter Opsvik. Welcome to visit our exhibition with more than a hundred years of furniture history.

Open: Wednesday 12 - 4 pm
Or by appointment +47 900 18 419

Source: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Furniture museum

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