Høyanger Guest Harbour
Here you can report your arrival or secure a berth reservation when you have planned to come for a longer period. When there is a lot of wind and sea, great movement can occur in the breakwater. If we are notified of such weather conditions, we will be able to offer to find a better alternative among our "free" permanent places, if all guest places are reserved.
Harbor contact : Jon-Arne Ytredal
Telephone: +47 9525 9525
Harbor price NOK 200 day
Inclusive power, water, shower, toilet and washing machine.
Boat place: 6
Mooring: Floating jetty
Nearest fuel filling: 200 m to oil / diesel quay
Lasse: +47 911 33 037 or Per Andreas: +47 911 33 038
Rope in propeller?
We have boat lift.
Frank: +47 47617527
Rent the clubhouse??
Click here.
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Høyanger Guest Harbour