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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Haugar Art Museum

Haugar Kunstmuseum
Haugar Kunstmuseum vinter
Haugar Kunstmuseum
Haugar Kunstmuseum
Haugar Kunstmuseum

In Haugar Art Museum, right in the heart of Tønsberg, you can experience great art in the permanent and current exhibitions.

Haugar Art museum is worth a visit. Andy Warhols tribute to Munch is some of the museums exhibitions, when it is not abroad. You can contact the museum for more information on this.
The museums also have different exhibitions throughout the year, which means its worth visiting more than ones.

Haugar Art Museum has high quality exhibitions at all times, and is one of the country's best art museums. The art museum is located in an impressive brick building, the former Seamen's School, right in the center of Tønsberg.

Private tour
If you want a private tour, the museum adapts this, contact Haugar for prices.

Events and activities
Haugar has various events and activities throughout the year for young and old. There are always activities for children at the museum, whether it is art hunting, activity rooms or Kunstporten - an app that engages children in an exciting and educational museum experience.

Museum shop
In the museum shop you will find gift items, such as books, jewelry, art glass, ceramics etc. Gift certificates are also sold in the museum shop with an optional amount. The shop follows the museum's opening hours and is open to everyone even without an entrance ticket.

Haugar Art Museum has entered into a collaboration with KHIO and has invited the graduating students on the MA program to contribute with work for sale in Haugar's museum shop.

Haugar have received both textile work, graphics / paper work, metal / jewelry and ceramics.

This is a completely new project, and Haugar are proud to be able to contribute to giving young artists a platform and a point of sale outside Oslo.

This is also a fantastic opportunity for you to be able to acquire completely new works by top-level artists!

The museum is closed on the following days:
May 17, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

Source: Visit Vestfold

Haugar Art Museum

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