Hike to Kattnakken, Stord

A brisk hike to the mountain peak Kattnakken 724 metres above sea level, the peak affords an excellent view in good weather.
Stordfjellet, Lundsseter
MapStord – Fitjar (1 : 50.000)
Start and stop pointAt the parking by Heio
ParkingTake off from E39, either in the Førlandskrysset north of Rommetveit or in Ådlandskrysset north of Leirvik. Follow the sign to «Fjellgardane». From Presthaugkrysset follow the road to Lundseter fjellstove and
further aprox. 3 km to the parking spot at Heio.
Information board at the start point. Graded after colour codes, and marked with red T.
GradingBlue - Easy hike.
Difference in altitude724 m.a.s
Time used1-2 h.
Tour descriptionA brisk hike to the mountain peak Kattnakken 724 metres above sea level, the height difference from the parking lot to the peak is 300 metres, and the peak affords an excellent view in good weather. The walk takes about one to two hours on a gravel road, alternatively paths. The walk includes several steep sections.
Hiking maps are available from the bookshops and in the Tourist information.
If you want a more challenging hike, take hike over to Stovegolvet. Follow the marking and signs to Stovegolvet.
Depart from the junction of E39 and the road from Leirvik at the sign to Fjellgardane and follow this road about 1km. Turn right and follow this road to Lundeseter mountain hostel and proceed about 3 km. to the parking area at Heio.
Heio is an old moraine, a grass and wetland area of some 100 acres and an important sheep pasture for the farmers on Stord down through the ages. The flora is dominated by coastal heather and wetland species interspersed by areas of blueberry and grasses. Heio is a popular skiing area during winter and "Steinen", the large rock north on Heio, is frequently used as a destination of the family skiing trip.
The road to the Kattnakken television tower (2) was built in 1968 and the TV-tower (Stord Transmitter) was operative the following year. The road is blasted into the mountainside at an even climb to the top.
Stordøya (Stord Island) is geologically quite interesting, consisting of hard rock types that the glaciers could not quite wear down. The summit area contains exposed intrusive and volcanic rock species, mostly gabbro. A
good area for the rock hunter.
Kattnakken comprises the northeastern part of the mountain plateau that extends from Stovegolvet (literally: The living-room floor) in the south via Skorafjellet to Midtfjellet in the north. At 724 metres above sea level the summit of Kattnakken is the second highest point on the island of Stord; surpassed only by Mehamarsåta to the north which is 749 metres high.
The panoramic view from Kattnakken is truly impressive:
- Towards the north you see Fitjarfjellet and the islands of Rektsteren and Tysnes
- Towards the east you look straight down into the fjord of Langenuen, part of the ancient navigation channel. Past the island of Huglo the Hardangerfjord fronts the massive mountain range in Kvinnherad, where, on a fair day, the sun reflects off the Folgefonna glacier.
- Towards the south are the pine forests in the lowlands of Stord and you can see Ådlandsvatnet and the shallows along the shore by Hystad and Rommetveit. The soil in the lowlands of Stord and Tysnes is calcareous and supports a lush vegetation.
- Towards the west you see the islands of Bømlo and Fitjar with Selbjørnfjord and Austevoll to the northwest. Notice the barren islands Nordhuglo and Skorpo; the rock species here are very hard and give rise to acidic soil with sparse or no vegetation.
On the south end of the island you can see the former shipyard, now Aker Solutions. Further on lie Klosterfjorden, Bømlafjorden, the island of Føyno and in the distance the Sveio peninsula.
In a large road construction project - Trekantsambandet, bridges and sub-sea road tunnels are now being built to join Stord and several of the smaller islands to the mainland.
- Easy
- All year
Source: Region Sunnhordland
Hike to Kattnakken, Stord