Nigardsbreen - Sogndal one way with bus
Nigardsbreen - Breheimsenteret - Gaupne - Sogndal.
This trip takes you from Nigardsbreen glacier or Breheimsenteret glacier center to Sogndal. The bus drives through the spectacular Jostedalen valley via Gaupne and past the small communities Marifjøra, Solvorn and Hafslo back to Sogndal.
Price NOK: 195,- Departure from: Nigardsbreen glacier or Breheimsenteret glacier center
Nigardsbreen 16:55
Breheimsenteret 17:00
Jostedal 17:10
Gaupne 17:45
Marifjøra Kryss 17:48
Hafslo 18:05
Galden 18:10
Solvorn Ferjekai 18:15
Sogndal Skysstasjon 18:35
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Nigardsbreen - Sogndal one way with bus