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Indre Østfold
TripAdvisor rating of 4


Ole Kjærbu's War History Collections

Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger
Ole Kjærbu's krigshistoriske samlinger

Ole kjærbu has in many years collected items from the war 1940-45.

Ole kjærbu has in many years collected items from the war 1940-45. It is a big and comprehensive collection. It consists of, amongst others, weapons, vehicles, uniforms, papers, and propaganda materiel. Here you`ll get insight in the resistance.

Single persons and groups can make own agreements about tours.

Kontakt Tor-Erik Saxsebøl tlf. 97 604 419

Source: Visit Indre Østfold

Ole Kjærbu's War History Collections

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