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Salomon fishing in Eidselva river

Salomon fishing in Eidselva river
Salomon fishing in Eidselva river
Salomon fishing in Eidselva river
Salomon fishing in Eidselva river

The source of the river Eidselva is the deepest lake in Northern Europe – Hornindalsvatnet, which is 514 meters deep. The head of the river is primarily at the front of the lake and from both sides of Hornindalen valley. Coupled with the size of the lake, this makes the water in Eidselva river crystal clear, even in early spring. The only thing that can discolour the water is if the smaller streams, which flow straight into the river, swell as a result of rain. The river once used to be tinted by clay silt when the water was high, but almost every bend of the river has now been reinforced, so that the only thing that can discolour the river is high water levels.

A medium-sized salmon river. The river is about 10 km long and flows from Hornindalsvatnet lake to the Eidsfjord, a branch of the Nordfjord. In terms of flow, Eidselva river is one of Norway’s medium-sized salmon rivers and has been known for its large salmon since days of old. Hornindalsvatnet lake is 52 meters above sea level and the river drops steadily from there, with no sections that are completely calm. The river is divided into 23 zones, with very different fishing access in the different zones.

For more information about fishing in the Eidselva river, a fishing licence, and regulations, please visit

Source: Nordfjord

Salomon fishing in Eidselva river

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