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The Island Ytterøy by bike

Ytterøya is known as the pearl of the Trondheim Fjord and has a rich history. Rent a bike at the tourist office in Steinkjer and start the trip by taking the ferry from Levanger centre.
The tourist office in Steinkjer will drop-off and pick-up bikes with advance notice.

Grading: Easy
Length: 27 km
Suitability: Adults and children with some bike experience

Getting there:
Option 1:
Levanger city center and ferry. The trip takes about 30 minutes.

Option 2:
Rent a boat shuttle from Mosvik Brygge (Mosvik pier) and over to Jørstadsjøkaia (Jørstad Quay) on Ytterøy. Contact the tourist office for more information.

Information about Ytterøy and the trip
Ytterøya has one of the densest deer tribes, and the sale of hunting deer is an important additional income for landowners.
The trip is suitable for adults and children. The road is not very wide, but the traffic isn't busy. You cycle along well looked after farms, grazing animals and always with a great view to the fjord and the mainland.

Ferries from Levanger to Ytterøya
Rent a bike on our website

There is a deer leather workshop on the island where various high quality products are produced by expert hands. Archaeological evidence show a growing agricultural activity on Ytterøya approximately 5,000 years ago. The island also has a history as a mining community. Both copper, pyrite and limestone have been mined from mines on the island. Mining at Ytterøy copper work started abround 1630, and in 1870 5-600 people worked in the mine. The operation was closed after World War 1.

The island has a road network that invites multiple round trips. You can eat your fill at Kafe Rampa and buy a snack at the local store on the quay. In the centre of the island is Ytterøy Bygdetun (Ytterøy village farmyard), open during mid summer. The Island is about 13.5 km long and 4.3 km wide at its widest. The total area is about 28 km2 and the terrain is somewhat hilly.

The highest peak is Bølåskammen at 210 m. There are currently about 50 farms in operation where farm buildings, agricultural land, pasture and woodland forms a mosaic that has great biological qualities, while a number of cultural relics are preserved in their natural surroundings. The committee “Verneplan for Kulturmiljø (Conservation Plan for Cultural environment)” in Nord-Trøndelag has prioritiesed Ytterøy as one of the most valuable cultural areas in the county.

Today the island has a resident population of just under 500 people, but during the summer this number increases significantly due to both the 160 cabin owners but also many who will head to "The pearl of the Trondheim fjord" as it is rightly called.

Source: Innherred Reiseliv


The Island Ytterøy by bike

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