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The sami reindeer migration

The tour starts from the inland, the heart of the Sámi culture, and heads north towards the arctic coast where the reindeers have their summer grazing and calving areas. You will be taking part in the daily work and learn how they drive their reindeer herd, escorting them from their winter grounds to the summer area. Taking part in the reindeer migration means travelling, eating and sleeping like a Sámi reindeer herder. Your direct participation means that you will be living close to the reindeer, assisting when necessary in herding them over the desolate Finnmark plateau by snow machine. We will be sleeping around an open fire in a Lavvu (sami tent) and be served traditional sámi food. In the middle of April there are daylight almost 24 hours, the snow is starting to melt and it is good time for ice-fishing. Some great ice fishing can be done in the numerous lakes we pass by. Accommodation the night before and the nights after the tour is on Engholm Husky Lodge. You will find more information on our website.

Source: Book Finnmark

The sami reindeer migration

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