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Trail to Kyrakampen and Knutsholoa

A slightly longer trek to the summit of Kyrakampen that offers incredible views of Skeikampen, and to the exciting silver mine, Knutsholoa, from 1850. 

Kyrakampen, at 979 meters above sea level, you find north-west of the Austlid Fjellstue. The summit offers incredible views of Skeikampen and parts of the Peer Gynt Mountain Road, plus Jotunheimen and Rondane further in the distance. The terrain is easy, with a little climbing up a steep slope just at the beginning. The trail starts at Austlid Fjellstue and runs down towards the car park by the water. Follow the gravel road from Austlid Fjellstue to the left. At the crossroads where the road goes off to the left you'll find a path leading up to Kyrakampen. Follow the path over the hill – this is the toughest part of the whole trail. Follow the tractor track until it stops at a cabin. Here the trail turns off to the left, past a small brook. After about 1 hour, you'll have reached Ulvtjernet lake and from here it is another 30 min or so to the top. You can also visit Knutsholoa, a silver mine from 1850. Follow one of the paths down the north face of the mountain. The mine entrance is around 40 m long and ends in an 8 m deep hole. You therefore need to bring light with you when entering. The mine is named after Knut Rasmussen (b.1792), who was considered a "wise man" in his time. He tracked down water and lost livestock. When he predicted a large seam of silver in Kyrakampen, he was believed and mining started. Despite several attempts over the years, no silver has ever been found. Follow the same path back, or continue east on the path to Tresnipp Sætra and follow the road back to Austlid.

Source: Visit Lillehammer


Trail to Kyrakampen and Knutsholoa

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