Bus to hike: Take the Midsund stairs to the peak

Travel like the locals with bus and ferry from Molde to Midsund to hike Digergubben - one of the Midsund stairs. Book you travel tickets here, you can easily show them digitally on your mobile.
This round trip takes you to Midsund, situated at the island Otrøya in the Romsdalsfjord with only a few small islets separating it from the Atlantic sea. The round trip by bus and ferry to is offered to make it possible for you to hike the Midsundtrappene, where Sherpas from Nepal have built fantastic stone steps to make the hike to the Digergubben mountain more accessible for the public. Seeing the stone work is worth the trip alone. Adding a fantastic view to mountains, fjord and the ocean definitely make this hike worthwhile.
The terrain i steep, but with the stairs it is possible for more people to do this hike. Make sure to wear adequate clothing and shoes! Norway can be chilly even in the summer. The trip is open for booking all year, but in the winter season it may not always be advisable to do the hike. Check the conditions before you go!
Bus departure from: Molde bus terminal, track 4
Before doing the hike we recommend that you prepare by reading more about the hike. For further route descriptions see the English edition of: De beste turene i Midsund.
Learn about the Midsund stairsThe Midsund stairs consist of four hiking trails where parts of the trails are facilitated with stone steps by Sherpas from Nepal - an impressive work is a visit worhty. In addition you get a fantastic view to the mountains, fjord and sea.
Rørsethornet (659 masl) - Norway's longest continuous stone staircase with 2200 steps
Digergubben (527 masl) and Midsundhornet (483 masl)
Bløkallen (522 masl) - perhaps the nicest trip along the old Kløvstien
Aksla (110 masl) and and Akslahornet (411 masl) - the shortest trip to the viewpoint Aksla, challenging on to Akslahornet.
Do you wish a guided hike?It is also possible to hire guides for the trip, contakt Utendørs in Midsund.
Guide on your mobile Phone
On this bus trip you can listen to audio guide. Download the Voice Of Norway app and enjoy the stories where you are. Pictures and text complement what you see. The map gives you a full overview. The audioguide is available in Norwegian and English.
Source: VisitNordvest
Bus to hike: Take the Midsund stairs to the peak