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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Stavanger kunstmuseum

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Utstilling BLUNK Trond Mohns samling
Utstillingen BLUNK Trond Mohns samling er åpen til 23. oktober 2023
Utstilling BLUNK Trond Mohns samling
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Verksted på Stavanger Kunstmuseum
BLUNK Trond Mohns samling

Stavanger Museum of Fine Arts offers a collection of distinguished Norwegian art ranging from nineteenth century to contemporary art.

Stavanger Museum of Fine Arts offers a collection of distinguished Norwegian art ranging from nineteenth century to contemporary art. Of particular interest is the unique collection of paings by Lars Hertervig (1830-1902) who was born in Tysvær by Stavanger, and whose romantic, powerful and highly personal landscapes still have a strong impact on the viewers. The museum also contain the Hafsten Collection, a former private collection of works by mid-twentieth century painters, making the museum a national centre for art from this period. The museum is beautifully situated in the park surrounding the lake Mosvatnet, 3 km from the city centre.

Source: Region Stavanger

Stavanger kunstmuseum

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