Bergstaulen Seter

Bergstaul Seter is a mountain farm, situated by road 37, approx. 12 km west from Rjukan centre. The farm is mostly known for having the second best cheese in the world!
Bergstaul Seter is a mountain farm, situated by road 37, approx. 12 km west from Rjukan centre.
The season at Bergstaul Seter is from June 10th - September 25th. Between 10 am - 6 pm every day.
The animals you can see at the farm is goats, cows, sheep, hens, pigs, dog and cat.
The second best cheese in the world
Stordalen Gardsbruk that runs the farm produces some norwegian traditional products, such as white goat cheese, sour cream, bread and "lefse". However, they are perhaps mostly known for their brown goat cheese that won the silver medal in cheese world championship 2018 as the second best cheese in the world! Try the cheese at Bergstaulen seter.
Stordalen Gardsbruk also sell skin from goats, sheep and cows.
Besides the summerseason at Bergstaul Seter, Stordalen Gardsbruk runs a farm in Tinn Austbygd.
GPS koordinat : N:6634983 Ø:467989
Source: Visitrjukan AS
Bergstaulen Seter