Brumunddal - Vollkoia cross country tracks

Brumunddal – cross-country skiing at Vollkoia
About the Vollkoia trails
Every winter, Ringsaker becomes home to over 800 km of cross-country ski trails. This vast network of tracks, stretching through gentle terrain from the Vollkoia area and on to the Hedmarksvidda plateau, are prepared by Brumunddal og Omegn Turistløyper. Starting point at Vollkoia is Vollkoia car park (NB: toll road).
How to reach Brumunddal and Vollkoia
By car:
From the north/south: follow route E6 and take the turn-off to Brumunddal. Continue towards the town centre (signposted Sentrum) and then on to Nybygda. Follow Nordåsvegen up to Nybygda, and turn right onto Kvemyrvegen. Continue south for approx. 1 km, and then turn left onto the toll road towards Vollkoia where you can park.
By public transport:
There is no public transport to Vollkoia.
Trail map and status report
It is always wise to be prepared when using the outdoors.
Here you can check the trail conditions for Vollkoia by Brumunddal.
Recommended routes from Vollkoia, Brumunddal
1. Trip to the Blåmyrkoia cabin (approx. 5 km)
• More info is available at
2. Trip to the Brannhytta cabin at Brumundkampen (approx. 16-17 km). The trail leads via Blåmyrkoia, Bokåsen, and Kjeltåsen.
Food & drink
The nearest location for a drink and a bite to eat is the centre of Brumunddal (12 min. by car)
• Matfatet (lunch / coffee & cakes)
• Bakeriet i Brumunddal (lunch / coffee & cakes)
• Wood Spiseri
• Hotel: Wood hotel, Brumunddal
• Farm stay: Kvarstad farm, 11 min. from the centre of Brumunddal
• Camping: Top Camp Mjøsa, Brumunddal
Show consideration during your visit, and follow these basic guidelines:
• Adhere to the code of conduct for public right of access
• Park at designated car parks and campsites
• Take your litter home or use the bins provided
• Remember the rules for keeping dogs on a lead; respect campfire bans and restrictions, and use designated sites only
• Try to use local shops along the route
• Drive nicely, but not too nicely – keep up with the traffic
• Last, but not least; ENJOY your trip!
Source: Visit Øst-Norge
Brumunddal - Vollkoia cross country tracks