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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Café Huskies

2022-04-26 21.48 Cafe Huskies opening shot
2023-02-13 20.14 Cafe Huskies DSCF9756 photo Martin Fiala
2023-02-13 20.06 Cafe Huskies DSCF9684 photo Martin Fiala
2023-02-13  20.30 Cafe Huskies DSC07181 photo Martina Aronne
2023-02-13 19.36 Cafe Huskies DSCF9368 photo Martin Fiala
2021-02-13 19.58 Cafe Huskies DSCF9604 photo Martin Fiala

Enjoy a coffee and cake in the company of fluffy huskies!

Enjoy a coffee and cake in the company of fluffy huskies! This small cozy café offers a wide choice of coffees and teas, along with a selection of baked goods and cold food, as well as gluten and lactose-free options.

There is a rotation of several fluffy employees, picked out so they are calm and get along with guests as well as each other.

No bookings necessary, just drop by any day of the week between 11:00 and 18:00.

See more on:
Instagram: @cafehuskies
Facebook: @cafehuskies

Source: Svalbard Reiseliv AS

Café Huskies

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