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Cycle routes: Glommastien (The Glomma path)

Glommastien rasteplass skilt
Glommastien Rasteplass
Glommastien sett fra Vest til _Øssia_
Forlatt båt 1
sommeren 2011, 2
sommeren 2011, 1
sommeren 2011, 3
sommeren 2011, 4
Glommastien. Foto: Helge Fossnæs
Sellebakk - Lisleby ferge

Discover and experience Glommastien, a bike path that runs between Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad.

The path runs between Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad on both sides of the Glomma River. On the way you will pass cultural landscape with monuments from the early sawmill and brick works industries.

When arriving in Fredrikstad on the path, you may take a ferry which will take you over the river from the Old Town to Cicignon. If you are come from Fredrikstad or at Sellebakk to Lisleby. You can cross Sarpsborg by going over the Sandesund Bridge or the Sarpsfossen (Sarpsborg waterfall). The entire path is roughly 30 km long and will along the way take you by Roald Amundsen’s place of birth “Tomta” where you can stop in the hill and “walk” in his footsteps.

When cycling beside the river, you will get a glimpse of industrial history before and now. Brick work and ship industries were closely situated to one another up and down the river.

Cycling in Fredrikstad and Hvaler is also an experience, and there are many nice areas in which you go. Fredrikstadmarka is a very popular area for both walkers and cyclists. There are also several yellow fields at Torsnes, with rock carvings situated close by.

Source: Visit Fredrikstad & Hvaler

Cycle routes: Glommastien (The Glomma path)

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