Djuptjernskampen 1325 m a.s.l.

Djuptjernskampen is set in an open landscape in Langsua National Park, north of Synnfjell.
Djuptjernskampen is set in an open landscape in Langsua National Park, north of Synnfjell. From the top, there are beautiful views towards Spåtind 1414, Skjervungfjellet, Skarvemellen, Rundemellen, Røssjøkollane Snuen, Ormtjernskampen, and Langsua.
Starting point is the car park along route 250, just after Trekjern. Follow the road to Tronhus. Then follow the way-marked trail to Djuptjernskampen. On your way up, there is an option to walk via Solskiva (1184 m). The full distance is approx. 13 km, and the trip takes around 2 – 2 ½ hours to complete. It is moderately challenging, and leads through varied forest and mountain terrain.
By car, follow route 250 and then 196 (signposted Synnfjell). Continue to Oppsjøkrysset. Turn left and continue for approx. 8 km to the car park after Trekjern.
- Forest area
- Mountain area
- Nature trail
- Short hikes (1-4 hours)
Source: Visit Lillehammer
Djuptjernskampen 1325 m a.s.l.