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Fjellstova Stord

Fjellstova ligg på Stord - på veg opp mot Kattnakken. Stor parkeringsplass like ved.
Fjellstova på Stord
Fjellstova på Stord

Fjellstova offers traditional "homemade" food for you to enjoy at Fjellstova. Fjellstova is situated 324 m.a.s.l. surrounded by nature suitable for hiking.

Fjellstova was established 1936 and built in 3 stages. The last stage in 1987. You can reach Fjellstova by car -  9 kilometres from the city center Leirvik at Stord - approximately 10 minutes by car. Follow signs to Fjellgardane and Lundseter.

Source: Region Sunnhordland

Fjellstova Stord

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