Fyresdal Heritage walk

A small "town" began to form in the centre of Fyresdal in the 1870s, what was known as Folkestadbyen.
The Cultural Heritage Trail starts in the centre
of Fyresdal by the museum in Øyskogen. You can choose
whether to do the entire trail (Folkestadbyen + the circuit via
Saukro and Bryggjeparken) or just one of the loops. The whole
trip takes just under one hour at a leisurely pace. No special
footwear or level of fitness is required – the tour is suitable for
both families with children and elderly people. Most of the trail
is suitable for wheelchair users.
- Easy
- Autumn
- Spring
- Summer
- Guiding
- Marked trails
- Short hikes (1-4 hours)
Source: Vest Telemark
Fyresdal Heritage walk