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Grøtådalen Mines in Tylldalen

Grøtådalen gruver

When you have driven down the gulley on the main road (Rv 30) from Tynset to Tylldalen, just where the road crosses the bridge over the small river Grøtåa you will clearly see the path leading to the mines. The Grøtåa valley is in places quite narrow and dramatic. It was here that there was mining in the first half of the 1800’s. There are still visible signs of the mining activities: heaps with ore, two galleries and the foundations of a house and stables for horses. Here copper, pyrite and magnetite ore were mined. The ore was driven to Nordset in the north end of the valley and from there it was transported to Tynset and then on to either Alvdal or Tolga to be smelted. The mine was closed around 1850 as it wasn’t profitable. Later there were several attempts at mining on both sides of Mt. Tronden without any lasting production.
Here you can combine mining history with a pleasant walk.

Source: Destinasjon Røros

Grøtådalen Mines in Tylldalen

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