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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Hægefjell Vrådal

hægefjell foto yngve ask_web
innlandssva foto Yngve Ask_web
kvil hægefjell foto yngve ask_web
Live Andre Sulheim Faun Naturforvaltning  13
trast hægefjell foto yngve ask_web
Live Andre Sulheim Faun Naturforvaltning 14

Medium challenging hike with beautiful panoramic views of Vrådal and the lakes Nisser and Vråvatn. This makes a lovely walk, whether you choose to go the whole way or only part of it.

After you get past Stemnetten, there are 360-degree views the whole way. The ground is mainly rock, but there are some damp stretches. Wear good footwear and a windbreaker!

You can start at Vrådal ski centre and head up to Tverrfjelletor you can start at Stemnetten. Take the road with the toll barrier (there is a box where you can pay) to the top of the hill. The path, shown in red on the map, starts there, and heads past Luktarhola, Sveigefjell, Brennstøylnuten and Hægefjellskardet and further on up to the top of Mount Hægefjell.

From Hægefjell you return by the same path. It is also possible to continue down to Nissedal and Fjone.

Source: Vest Telemark

Hægefjell Vrådal

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