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Homlas Hage - Local food experiences

Sommerdag i Homlas Hage
Homlas hage liten collage
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Set in a beautiful, sunny location at Nettumshøgda, Homlas Hage is an oasis for people, bumble bees, and berry shrubs. On offer are local, down-to-earth experiences and products, such as pick your own pesticide-free raspberries, blackcurrants, and corn on the cob. We also have a shop selling local products, and a fair-weather café where you can buy treats such as organic tractor waffles and homemade raspberry lemonade.
- Check products and prices in our local shop “Stuttreistbutikken” and our fair-weather café “Godværskafeen”

Homlas Hage is ideal for families, and children can enjoy play equipment and go on bumblebee safaris with nets and pots for collecting insects. Occasionally, there are family Bumblebee Parties and Bumblebee Yoga in the raspberry field.
- Read more about experiences in Homlas Hage

A warm welcome if you love bumblebees and raspberries too!

Keep up-to-date at:
Homlas’ Facebook page
- At Homlas’ website

Source: Visit Øst-Norge

Homlas Hage - Local food experiences

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