Jotunheimen National Park

Jotunheimen National Park is characterized by high mountains, glaciers and deep lakes. There are more than 200 mountain peaks rising above 2000 m (6560 ft) in Jotunheimen.
Welcome to Jotunheimen National Park
Jotunheimen provides you with mountain experiences that you will never forget. It is a place that has something for everyone - whether you want to climb the highest peaks, or simply experience nature by a quiet mountain lake.
The three highest peaks * Galdhøpiggen (2469 moh) * Glittertind (ca. 2465 moh) * Store Skagastølstind (2405 moh) The most alpine landscape is found in the western part of the national park, in the Luster and Årdal area. If you drive the scenic national tourist route over the Sognefjell Mountains between Luster and Lom, you will see Store Skagastølstind and many other impressive peaks at close range. Jotunheimen is one of Norway's most popular hiking areas, and the amazing Hurrungane range, which includes the Store Skagastølstind peak, is a paradise for mountaineers.
Trips in the Jotunheimen area
How to get to Jotunheimen
Jotunheimen is situated right in the middle of Southern Norway, a 4 to 5 hour drive from Oslo, Trondheim or Bergen. There are also bus services to Jotunheimen during the summer season.
Buses and trains.
The Valdresekspressen bus goes from Oslo to Årdal or over Valdresflye to Gjendesheim and Leirvassbu during the summer season. It is possible to send your luggage on the bus if you wish to walk through the mountains wither lighter rucksack.
Kringom public transport
JVB - Jotunheimen and Valdresruten Bilselskap
Tindevegen Road
From Gardermoen Airport and Sogndal Airport
From Norway`s main airport OSL Gardermoen you can take the bus or train to Jotunheimen. The nearest airport is Sogndal Airport. From there you can take an airport shuttle bus to Sogndal city center. From Sogndal you can take the bus over the Sognefjellet mountains or to Øvre Årdal and Hjelle in Utladalen.
Advice when visiting
Everyone is welcome to visit Jotunheimen and Utladalen, but remember to take care of nature! Show consideration regarding birdlife and wildlife, and make sure to leave your campsite clean and tidy so it is ready for the next visitors who want to experience the mountains.
Rules regardine Drones, hunting and fishing, dogs in the national park and clothing and equipment - you will find it here
Source: Visit Sognefjord AS
Jotunheimen National Park