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Nobel Peace Center

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Nobels Fredssenter fasade
Nobels Fredssenter interiør
NPC AMTH Doku-021-2
NPC The Echo Chamber doku-04-2
Nobels fredssenter Medalje
Nobels-Fredssenter_aapning-Generation-Wealth (c)Johannes Granseth_Nobel Peace Center
Nobels fredssenter Vilje
Nobel Fredssenter interiør
Nobel Fredssenter interiør

One-of-a-kind museum with inspiring stories of the Nobel Peace Prize and people's efforts to create a better world.

The Nobel Peace Center depicts engaging stories about Alfred Nobel, the Peace Prize and the Peace Prize laureates through exhibitions, conventions and digital experiences. The museum is centrally located by Rådhusplassen in Oslo.

Experience the new Peace Prize exhibition A Message to Humanity (2024), and learn about the captivating history of Peace Prize laureates Nihon Hidankyo, an organisation consisting of Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors. The exhibition presents their work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. Enter the surreal universe of the Swedish photographer Erik Johansson in the exhibition, The Echo Chamber (2024), and get inspired to break out of your own echocamber. The will to change the world is an inspiring exhibition on Alfred Nobel and the history of the Peace Prize, which shows the power that resides in “the world’s most prestigious prize”. 

In the Medal Chamber you can see a real Peace Prize medal, while Nobel’s Field is the heart of the Peace Center: An evocative room where you get to meet every Peace Prize laureate surrounded by one thousand lights.

Originality, sustainability and fair trade characterise the selection in the Nobel Shop, where you can find unique books and products inspired by the Peace Prize laureates and the exhibtions.

The Nobel Peace Center is open until 8pm every wednesday. Events are included in the ticket.

Norwegian name: Nobels Fredssenter 

Source: VisitOSLO as

Nobel Peace Center

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