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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Nordenskiöldtoppen Trekking - Poli Arctici


This is the tallest mountain in the vicinity of Longyearbyen (1051m above sea level), and on a clear day has the best views around! If you are looking for a challenging day hike through varied terrain with spectacular views of Longyearbyen and the surrounding mountains, Nordenskiöldtoppen is the hike for you!

Depending on the conditions, our route starts either at the historical Cable Car central station (Taubanesentralen) or from Sverdrupbyen. Whenever possible, we hike together with our Greenland dogs, but sometimes they are out working on a longer trip standing guard for polar bears!

During this hike, we will observe characteristic local flora such as the Svalbard Poppy, encounter Svalbard Reindeer, and learn about geological formations.

After a ~45-minute hike uphill through a narrow valley with nesting Little Auks, we transition on to the maze-like moraine of the Platå Glacier. From here, the route continues climbing and follows a small ridge. We are surrounded by sweeping views that you won’t soon forget!

The last part of the route just before the summit is quite steep. At the summit you’ll be rewarded by spectacular scenery with beautiful fjords, rugged peaks, and deep valleys. As we enjoy a warm meal together, feel the sensation of accomplishment while enjoying the breath-taking summit views over Isfjorden and Longyearbyen. Near the summit there is a historical weather station where we can seek shelter when it's windy.

After lunch, we will descend along the western ridge if conditions permit to gain a different perspective. Then, we descend back to Sverdrupbyen, the oldest part of Longyearbyen, where we’ll conclude our adventure for the day.

Age limits: Minimum 10 years, maximum 70 years
Minimum number of participants: 4 persons

Source: Svalbard Reiseliv AS

Nordenskiöldtoppen Trekking - Poli Arctici


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