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Rydlandssago ligg like ved kommunegrensa mellom Fitjar og Stord
Rydlandssago var ei vanndriven sirkelsag
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Rydlandssago ligg like ved kommunegrensa mellom Stord og Fitjar kommune
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Parkeringsmoglegheit like ved Rydlandssago
Rydlandssago er over 100 år gamal
Informasjonsskilt om historia til Rydlandssago

The sawing mill containing a water-powered circular saw was built in 1916 and was in operation until approximately 1990.

The sawing mill containing a water-powered circular saw was built in 1916 and was in operation until approximately 1990. The sawing mill was renovated in 1996. The mill is situated where the highway R545 crosses the Tinnselvo river, on the border between the municipalities of Stord and Fitjar.


Parking just beside the road next to the saw.

Source: Region Sunnhordland


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