Sander Nordstuen Farm

Sander Nordstuen farm is a small farm in Eidsvoll operated with ecological and regenerative methods, and with great respect and love for our animals. In the garden we grow vegetables, herbs and berries with no-dig and low-till methods.
We have eggs from free range hens that get organic soy free food. We have a small herd of old Norwegian spæl sheep who get to roam in the fantastic ravine landscape on the farm. We also have a couple of outdoor pigs. They have plenty of space and live outside all year. We sell our products locally, without intermediaries through the REKO ring at Hamar and Eidsvoll (groups on facebook), through units such as cooperative farms and in our own farm shop.
The products in the farm shop vary from week to week. We are trying as far as possible to update the list here and on our Facebook page.
Herbs: Red and Green Basil, Thai Basil, Coriander, Oregano, Thyme and Estragon.
Lettuce and cabbage plants: Pickle salad, Head lettuce, Kale, Summer cabbage, Pak Choi etc.
Eggs in different colors: tray of 30 or 12: We can also deliver duck eggs if you pre order.
Soft, warm lamb skins from our own sheep. Tanned by hand. Great as gifts.
Marigold ointment and avocado cream: made by hand by Saga natural soap.
Delicious drinks from the Stavanger Safteriet: Apple, plum, tulip, gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries.
Natural soaps from Saga Natural Soap in Sandefjord, handmade from the best ingredients nature has to offer.
City people that became farmers: Sander Nordstuen Gård is run by Tone Bech and Magne Stenersen. We had no experience with farm operations when we fell in love with this old small farm. We left Oslo and our jobs as chef and auxiliary nurses respectively 6 years ago. We have no regrets, and the more we learn, the more busy we become by running the farm using organic and regenerative methods. We want to make short-traveled and pure organic food that taste fantastic.
Co-operative agriculture: Part of the operation takes place as co-operative farming, under the name Eidsvoll Co-operative Agriculture.
Organic and Sustainable Agriculture: We operate a diverse, small-scale agriculture based on ecological and regenerative methods, and with great respect and love for our animals. Our vegetables are grown with "no-dig" and low-till techniques. We have been certified organic through Debo for several years. (Debio controls and approves organic production in Norway) This year, 2019, we have not maintained the formal Debio certification. This is mainly because this year we are restructuring parts of our operations. It is quite possible that we will resume approval already next year.
Welcome to us!
Member of Visit Greater Oslo
Source: Visit Greater Oslo
Sander Nordstuen Farm