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Science center of Northern Norway

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Nordnorsk vitensenter
Nordnorsk Vitensenter
Nordnorsk Vitensenter
Nordnorsk Vitensenter
Science center of Northern Norway
Science center of Northern Norway

The science centre offers playful and fun learning experiences.

By experimenting and playing we hope to further your understanding of the universe, the weather phenomena of the arctic, the climate, energy, physics and the human body. Explore the different layers of the atmosphere in the northern light elevator, feel the force of the wind skiing downhill or produce energy in our hamster wheel. If your brain needs a challenge, our mathematical puzzles and riddles will keep you occupied. These are but a few examples from the exhibition themes reflecting our northern location, energy and environment, the sky, the climate and the human body.

The interactive exhibits engage the senses and suits all ages and demonstrates the diversity of nature and technologies surrounding us.

Each Sunday, activities takes place at one of our labs or in our makerspace.

The science centre also accommodates Norway’s largest planetarium where the northern lights never miss an appearance and no other natural phenomenon does better justice to being displayed in a 360° dome theater. Experience breathtaking extreme auroras every day, no matter what the weather conditions are like outside. Our northern lights planetarium show is a documentary and a stunning full-dome visual, featuring the aurora in science, history and myth.

The Science Centre of Northern Norway and the Northern Light planetarium is located at campus of UiT – the arctic university of Norway. Easily accessible form the city centre by bus (Line 20, 21, 32 og 33/34), taxi or a walk. Parking is available at the university parking for visitors. A fee is asked Monday-Friday between 7-17, evenings and weekends are free.

The science centre offers small snacks like coffee, ice cream, muffins, soft drinks etc. Feel free to bring your lunch box along or pop out to visit a cafeteria or restaurant at campus.

The science centre is wheelchair friendly, depending on the degree of disability the interaction with the exhibit may vary. Give us a call or send us a mail and we will advise you thoroughly!

The science centre engages all ages, for the smallest kids 0-3 years it’s on the understanding that they are accompanied by their parents and shown how to interact with some of the exhibits. Not all our exhibits are suitable for this age group.

Source: Visit Tromsø-Region

Science center of Northern Norway

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