Sculpture landscape Nordland - Varde

Sculpture landscape Nordland is an international art collection realized in the period 1992-98 and 2009-15. The sculptures are placed in the landscape in 34 municipalities in Nordland, in addition to one in Troms. Welcome to a journey in the Nordic landscape.
The brick sculpture Varde by the Danish artist Per Kirkeby, is part of Skulpturlandskap Nordland, and stands on Brevikhøyden. The artist refers to the work as a pavilion, a building intended to provide time and peace for reflection. The construction is a vantage point for viewing the landscape in constantly changing light, framed by the window openings in the pavilion.
Per Kirekby's Varde belongs to a series of brick sculptures where the artist has taken the place where the sculpture will stand as a starting point. Each of Kirkeby's brick sculptures seems to evoke the special atmosphere of the chosen location. The sculpture on Meløy stands among steep mountain sides that disappear into the fjord in the valley below.
To get here, follow the Fv17 to Halsa, turn off towards Engavågen/Vassdalsvik. The sculpture is located on Breivikhøgda, just before Bjærangsfjord, about 18 km from Halsa.
Source: Kystriksveien Reiseliv
Sculpture landscape Nordland - Varde