Selanraa Bok & Bar

Sellanraa Bok &Bar is a food, coffee and book bar that opened in autumn 2016. Those behind Sellanraa have a background from restaurants in Oslo, Trondheim and France, and in common they all have a passion for down-to-earth and sustainable operations.
At SELLANRAA, good times and experiences are created. Here you can enjoy one of the books in the bookcase, have a chat about food or coffee, have a glass of wine or meet for breakfast or lunch.
At Sellanraa, coffee is served with beans from the best roasters in Norway. It is strived to highlight the best taste in each cup and will not serve coffee added to anything other than water and love. In the summer, on the other hand, they make their own fresh milk salad with milk delivered from Fannrem.
Source: Visit Trondheim AS
Selanraa Bok & Bar