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Sijti Jarnge - Center for sami language and culture

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Sijti Jarnge - Center for sami language and culture
Sijti Jarnge - Center for sami language and culture

Sijti Jarnge is a Sami language and cultural center located in Hattfjelldal, where you can experience and learn about Sami culture in Helgeland.

Helgeland is an Sami settlement area from old, particularly in the inland valleys. Cultural heritage sites, place names, and a rich oral tradition bear witness to the deep roots of the Sami population in Helgeland. In many places, the Sami people were the majority population until the 1800s. After 1850, the Norwegian farming population grew rapidly due to immigration, among other factors.

You can delve deeper into this rich cultural history through the wonderful exhibitions at Sijti Jarnge in Hattfjelldal. Until August 18th, you can visit the summer exhibition titled “The Sami Bride” and purchase Sami handicrafts and books at the store. Admission is free, and they serve good coffee.

Source: Helgeland Reiseliv as

Sijti Jarnge - Center for sami language and culture

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