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Sjoa Rafting AS - Packraft

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Sjoa Rafting AS - Packraft
Sjoa Rafting AS - Packraft
Sjoa Rafting AS - Packraft

New in 2024! Packraft, Bear Grylls boat or call it what ever you want. Here you get the opportunity to paddle your own boat, completely on your own.

The duration of the trip varies according to the wishes of the participants, from a few hours to multi-day trips. You can choose whether you want a simple, comfortable, and relaxing trip, where everything is arranged with a road to and from, or whether you want a more wilderness-style trip that involves overnight accommodation outdoors and the feeling of traveling in places where humans have not set foot before. Contact us for more information about the different tours.

Source: Nasjonalparkriket Reiseliv AS

Sjoa Rafting AS - Packraft

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