Skarbo Kultursenter - Helle

Art, medicine, studio, music, yoga, trim, location rental!
Skarbo Cultural Center at Helle is located in an old school from the 60´s and based on voluntariness. This Cultural Center wants to create a place for creative businesses on many levels. Here you´ll find art studios, textile / sculpture studios. You can participate in painting courses, trim or yoga classes, sense-based coaching, inspiration / motivation courses and workshops.
We also offer alternative medicine therapy. If this sounds interesting for you please get in touch with: Naturopath Kaja Dyrkorn (mobilephone +47/ 92215931) or Bowen;Shirin Sevaldson ( +47/ 95785649).
Gunny Brørby can offer customized courses/events for a day in painting, motivational coaching and yoga.
Lise S. Bottolfs can offer courses in sculpture. (mobilphone +47/ 90558456)
Most of the time, the galleries and studios are open for visitors. Sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee / tea in slightly different surroundings.
Rent our nice and affordable location in retrostyle for all kinds of celebrations!
Skarbo Cultural Center - A place for change, a place for development!
Get in touch with us by Facebook or call our primus motor Gunny Brørby, phonenumber: 0047/ 938 88 076
Source: Kragerø Turistkontor
Skarbo Kultursenter - Helle