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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Trondheim Maritime Museum

Trondhjems Sjøfartsmuseum
Trondheim Maritime Museum
Trondheim Maritime Museum

Trondheim Maritime Museum

Visit Trondheim Maritime Museum and experience the history of Trondheim’s trading tradition and sailing ship era from the 17th century up to the present day.
The museum arranges guided tours, lectures and events to convey our proud maritime history. The maritime museum is also responsible for the historic sailing steamship, SDS Hansteen, dating from 1866.
We welcome children to the museum. Our ship’s rat, Sivert, needs your help because he quickly suffers from seasickness. The upstairs exhibition is a child-friendly exhibition about the sailing ship era featuring many exciting activities. We offer free admission for children accompanied by an adult.
Watch our film about the training ship Tordenskjold, which conveys how youth were trained from 1900 - 1940 for a maritime profession. Hear the story of one who signed on in 1934.

Source: Visit Trondheim AS

Trondheim Maritime Museum

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