Unibuss Tur
Bus company witha wide range of coaches
Bus company with modern touring coaches and a wide range of specialised coaches, including a handicap coach, mini coaches and double deckers with up to 58 seats.
Unibuss Tur provides transport services in Scandinavia to congress/conferences, cruise ships, long distance touring, sightseeing and transfers.
Unibuss Tur AS is part of Unibuss, Oslo's biggest transportation company (subway, tramway, local coaches & express coaches).
Unibuss Tur provides transport services in Scandinavia to congress/conferences, cruise ships, long distance touring, sightseeing and transfers.
Unibuss Tur AS is part of Unibuss, Oslo's biggest transportation company (subway, tramway, local coaches & express coaches).
Source: VisitOSLO as
Unibuss Tur