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TripAdvisor rating of 3.5


Dyreparken Safari Hotel

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Dyreparken Safarihotell
Dyreparken Safarihotel

Dyreparken Safari hotel - stay in the adventure!

Stay at Dyreparken Safarihotell at the entrance to Dyreparken. Experience the taste of Africa - in Norway.

Right at the entrance to Dyreparken, with a completely unique location by the savannah, you will find Dyreparken Safarihotell. This is a hotel unlike any other in Norway. You don't actually get any closer to Africa. At least not here in Sørlandet. Here, zebras pass by outdoors, and a large giraffe welcomes you indoors. This is a family hotel that has rooms in several categories. From single rooms to new, large family suites. The vast majority of rooms have a balcony. Either towards the Sea of Grass and the Safari Camp, or towards the entrance to the Animal Park and the savannah in the Animal Park's Africa.

Source: Visit Kristiansand

Dyreparken Safari Hotel

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