Islands and islets, white-painted wooden houses, narrow streets, and lots of outdoor fun. Welcome to one of Southern Norway's most atmospheric towns.
The small city of Grimstad is located between Arendal and Kristiansand in Southern Norway. Visitors are often charmed by the town’s white-painted wooden buildings, narrow streets, and picturesque alleyways.
Enjoy a stroll or a bike ride along the seafront, explore the archipelago that comprises an array of beautiful islands and islets, or venture into Raet national park, which covers a total of 607 square kilometres of coastal nature and sea.
Norway’s most famous playwright throughout time, Henrik Ibsen, spent parts of his life here. The Ibsen museum in Grimstad is Norway’s oldest of its kind.
In the pedestrian streets, you’ll find several small, independent shops and a wide selection of cafes and restaurants, including the rewarded Smag & behag.
Get in-depth travel information on Grimstad’s official website.
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Where to stay
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Food and drink
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Getting here and around
Get in-depth travel information on Grimstad’s official website.
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